Getche In Dev C++

Using getch in Dev C compiler. Function getch works in Dev C compiler but it doesn't support all functions of 'conio.h' as Turbo C compiler does. Function getchar in C. Bagi anda yang sedang belajar C/C pasti sering menggunakan fungsi getch ataupun getche. Dari pengalaman saya banayak dosen Pemrograman yang kurang detail dalam menjelaskan kegunaan dari fungsi getch ini. Nah untuk menambah pengetahuan, saya ingin sharing tentang fungsi getch dan getche.

Clrscr() and Getch() in C++

clrscr() and getch() both are predefined function in 'conio.h' (console input output header file).

Perintah untuk input (memasukkan data ke dalam variabel) atau output (menampilkan kalimat atau hasil ke layar atau keluaran lainnya), termasuk ke dalam perintah dasar, di setiap bahasa pemrograman. Untuk C, yang sering digunakan adalah 4 (empat) perintah, yaitu cout (untuk output/keluaran), cin, gets, getch dan getche (untuk input/masukan). Jan 30, 2015  getche Like getch, this is also a non-standard function present in conio.h. It reads a single character from the keyboard and displays immediately on. Jan 05, 2018  getch and putch are non-standard functions defined in conio.h, mostly used in turbo C/dev C environement. Getchar are putchar are standard functions defined in C standard and they can be used in all environments. Yes, you can certainly write a program without these 4 functions.


It is a predefined function in 'conio.h' (console input output header file) used to clear the console screen.It is a predefined function, by using this function we can clear the data from console (Monitor). Using of clrscr() is always optional but it should be place after variable or function declaration only.



It is a predefined function in 'conio.h' (console input output header file) will tell to the console wait for some time until a key is hit given after running of program.

By using this function we can read a character directly from the keyboard. Generally getch() are placing at end of the program after printing the output on screen.

Example of getch()


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Function getch in C program prompts a user to press a character. It doesn't show up on the screen. Its declaration is in 'conio.h' header file. The function is not a part of standard C library.

C programming code for getch

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
printf('Waiting for a character to be pressed from the keyboard to exit.n');


When you run this program, it exits only when you press a character. Try pressing num lock, shift key, etc. (program will not exit if you press these keys) as these are not characters.

Try running the program by removing getch. In this case, it will exit without waiting for a character hit from the keyboard.

How to use getch in C++

#include <iostream.h>

Getche In Dev C Language

#include <conio.h>

int main()
cout <<'Enter a character';

Using getch in Dev C++ compiler

Getch Function In Dev C++

Function getch works in Dev C++ compiler but it doesn't support all functions of 'conio.h' as Turbo C compiler does.

Function getchar in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int c;
c =getchar();
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A common use of getch is you can view the output (if any) of a program without having to open the output window if you are using Turbo C compiler or if you are not running your program from the command prompt.